General Data Protection Regulations
BWO holds data on:
Current members
Organisations with which it has links for operational purposes
These data are held on the basis of legitimate interest and consist of a complete and accurate record of members and supporters. The data are held in order to facilitate communication and to enable administration, including financial administration, of the band.
Members and supporters will be asked to give their permission for these data to be held.
The data held consist of email and postal addresses and phone numbers for all members and third parties. Postal addresses are required for those members who have Gift Aid applied to their subscriptions. The data may also include photographs of individuals and groups taken at public events.
Every effort is made to ensure that the list is as accurate as possible. This list is used for no other purposes than those stated above and will not be communicated to any other organisation unless required by law.
The committee will review the list by the end of May each year and remove from it the name of any individual or organisation that has not been contacted within the previous twelve months.
If any individual or organisation wishes their data to be removed from the list or does not give their permission for their data to be included, then their name and associated data will be deleted.
This policy will be made available to all members and third parties on the BWO website.
Policy adopted: January 2019